The inspiration to begin this new series came when I was given a copy of Bhugola Varanam of Sri Vadiraja, translated and commented on by B. V. Bhadarayana Murthy (Akhila Bharata Madhva Maha Mandali, Madras Branch, 1989). In perusing this precious little document it became abundantly clear that updating is the need of the hour. Essentially this is what I have been doing for the past four decades; more particularly since 1971 when I came to reside in India. But all the volumes published to date, while giving full details of the new cosmology have not been specifically written to reveal the manner in which this new formulation is directly connected to the older cosmology, that it updates the latter and why it has become necessary to do so.The cosmology itself answers these questions. Most important of all, it reveals that we are in the middle of a great transition which can best be described as the birth of a new world, a new creation. The Puranas speak of 9 creations and the manner of procreation specific to each. The highest, the 9th, is precisely where we stand as an evolving civilisation. At the 9th stage procreation is said to be by Will. It is not far-fetched to deduce that attempts made to procreate by artificial means of various sorts may be precursors or indicators of the direction the evolution is taking at this 9th stage. There are other indications as well – for example, same sex marriages and the like, while repulsive to some may well be society’s attempts to accommodate a very different relationship between the sexes, as the 9th Creation demands. In other words, there is a shift in the purpose of evolution taking place, a shift to a higher purpose, removed from the atavistic drives that have coloured our sojourn on planet Earth. In such a scenario, all religions born in the Age of Pisces are the strongest voices against this shift, if it may be so called; whereas the Puranas seem to have foreseen the direction evolution would take in the years to come.It is not an entirely blissful fate to be a part of this transition. The condition of the world around us provides ample proof. However, there is a great advantage offered to us by the vision Puranic Cosmology provides. This is a vision of Order, Oneness, Unity. Be that as it may, this gift Tradition has bequeathed to humanity is useless without an updating that can allow it to be a truly applicable guide in this trying passage to a new world order. When, on the other hand, it is accepted that such an updating is possible and profitable and in the just order of things, the heart is filled with gratitude for being born at this moment and being able to observe the birth of a new creation as it transpires and in direct connection in an unbroken line to India’s ancient past.The above-cited book exposes the problem in full. I will quote portions of the Preface contributed by Prof. K. T. Pandurangi, a Sanskrit scholar, to illustrate. The Professor presents two points for the reader as being the aim of B. V. Bhadarayana Murthy’s publication: 1) To make clear the concept and details of the Geography of the whole universe as described in Bhugola Varanam…2) To elucidate this concept and details in terms of modern knowledge on this subject. I question whether Point 2 has been achieved.The professor states that the ancient seers had ‘much superior methods of enquiry. They were able to cultivate mental faculties of man that could probe into the mysteries of the universe much deeper [than contemporary science].’ This is certainly true, but it must further be stated that in desiring to update Puranic Cosmology the very same ‘method of enquiry’ must be used.Further, he goes on to state that we must ‘accept the fact that our ancient seers were more close to Nature and had different methods of enquiry other than our present-day experimental method. But their conclusions are still available in our ancient literature and we must try to find the clues to understand them. If we are not able to read the script of certain ancient documents, we should not rush to the conclusion that these ancients had no language at all. Our branding of our ancient scientific thought as unscientific amounts to such an attitude.’Indeed, there is a language which we may term perennial, known to sages of all times. I have referred to this method of transmission as ‘laws’ or a particular ‘methodology’. This transmission does not rely on words, even on a hallowed language like Sanskrit. It relies on certain abiding truths of our solar system particularly as experienced from Earth. We must never lose sight of the fact that this transmission is Earth-centred. And further, it is Bharat-centred. This centrality is the very first key the ancients provided for later generations in their perception of the world – with Mt Meru central.In today’s updating, using the same method of enquiry the ancients used, I will verify and validate this concept in full. In the process it will be revealed that the progress of Science is a vital ingredient in the updating. Science has added a certain precision that was unavailable to earlier generations. Added to this is the fact that geographical science has also progressed: now we must apply the cosmology to the whole Earth in a true experience of oneness and integration. Given that Mt Meru was considered the axis mundi, nothing less would suffice. Indeed, it can be shown now that India is the centrepiece of the entire globe – the Mt Meru of today when Myth becomes applicable.
More than their cosmological content the Puranas are known to be repositories of the countless myths of the subcontinent. Tradition has kept these tales alive for several millennia; without them what we know today as Puranic Cosmology would have neither sense nor purpose. Mythology and cosmology go hand in hand. One without the other is inconceivable to those who have been initiated into this timeless wisdom. But precisely because Myth, the language of the Soul, forms the core of the cosmology, not only is the system everlasting, it is also renewable. Herein lies its value as a constant.In this series we shall examine in depth the reason why cosmology of the ancient school carries within a mechanism of renewal and just how this operates with a precision that has come to be ascribed only to the scientific endeavour. Mythology and cosmology have been deprived of that precision due to the separation that occurred in the beginning of the Age of Pisces between the sacred and the profane. However, when such a splintering occurs, bringing in its wake the consequences we note in the field of cosmology itself – science not ‘myth’ – the signal is given that the moment of renewal is upon us.In the subcontinent this great Divide, let us call it, developed gradually; but by the 18th century a hardening of the boundary between the two began at an ever increasing pace. What was only a vague influence became firm and seemingly irrevocable. The three closing centuries of the last millennium brought a culmination in this process. Interestingly, it was accompanied by British colonial rule over the subcontinent. Colonialism served to consolidate the Divide as nothing before it had. Finally occidental thought came to be considered rational, empirically verifiable, ‘scientific’, in contrast to the orient which continued to cling to the Tradition but subjected to the demeaning position beneath that of ‘real science’. It then became known as superstition. The truth be told, unless a real and not imaginary updating of the ancient way occurs, the tag of superstition must inevitably gain credence. Puranic Cosmology will live on, but only as a quaint relic of times gone by which required the redeeming grace of Science.Attempts are periodically made by those who seek to inform the world that Puranic Cosmology does contain real science. An example would be Dr Subash Kak’s recent article in Journal ofCosmology, 2009, Vol 3 ‘The Universe, Quantum Physics and Consciousness’, under the section ‘A Scientific Coincidence’. Kak highlights the remarkable ‘coincidence’ regarding the early value of the speed of light in the ancient texts. This and similar evidence does prove that the scientific aspect of cosmology was not ignored by the ancients; however, it played only a minor role regardless of the profuse evidence available. The primary function of ancient cosmology, even as it remains so in today’s updating, is to provide the sense and purpose of the human being’s sojourn on this planet. That was the primary emphasis in the study of cosmic harmonies. And it needs to be pointed out that Harmony is the vital breath coursing through the veins of the ancient way, even as it is the essence of the current updating.The observer was the human being on the third planet from the Sun. The principal feature of this particular location in the System is the Soul; and this is the mechanism, if it may be so called, by which that sense and purpose can be extracted from the cosmic surround. Moreover, it is not only the eternal Constant proper to this planetary location that allows for renewal, but, in addition, by its very nature it is universal. In proving this point another aspect of the Puranic Cosmology will emerge: its prophetic quality in that it was able to describe the evolution of the civilisation on the subcontinent as it was then and the exact position it would occupy in a future age by the same original methodology. But again, only after the exercise of updating has been undertaken can this be verified. It is our best proof that we are dealing with a ‘seed’ planted in the Vedic Age; it passed through the Puranic to reach us today in its full scope and glory.Myth is the language of the soul across the globe and across the ages. But nowhere has it survived to the degree that we find in the subcontinent. Myth is alive and well in India – much to the chagrin of the secular scientist; and it is precisely myth that provides the method for updating Puranic Cosmology. This cosmology allows myth to be applicable; or better, cosmology is the application of myth. Consequently, if we wish to engage in any renewal or re-establishment of the Tradition, the methodology would have to be the same: myth taken from the cosmic harmony via the soul which each of us carries within as the birthright of all human beings on the third planet.Thus the number 3 will occupy an important place in this discussion, and all variations thereupon. To be observed is that the Trinity or the triune balance is also a universal component of all traditions, ancient and new. Indeed, in the updated cosmology the triune powers are precisely the key required to unlock the door beyond which Puranic Cosmology stands and awaits renewal.It may be contended that so far there have been certain assumptions made and upon which the method of renewal is being attempted. It may be held that these assumptions cannot provide a foolproof methodology. However, we must accept the facts as they stand today: myth exists and is universal and applicable in cosmology. We need no further proof than cosmology itself by virtue of the fact that it has been updated purely on the basis of the eternal language of the soul. I propose to discuss just how this has been done. It stands as it own proof, its own validation.Apropos of which, a certain clarification or establishment of the ‘rules of the game’ are required. This cosmology is its own science. It does not require an imprimatur of the contemporary product that bears this name. Rather, to be a meaningful and definitive exposition all attempts to confine the ancient and new way into the narrow parameters of a discipline devoid of their main distinguishing features – sense and purpose – is futile.
For a number of years I have been concentrating on reconnecting contemporary India to her Vedic roots. I believe that the exercise has been largely successful. Foremost has been the link I was able to establish between Vishnu’s Dasavataras and the Rig Veda via the hymns in praise of Vishnu in the collection, which, to my knowledge, had never been done. With the publication of Secrets of the Earth (Aeon Books, 2009) that phase of the endeavour was largely completed. There can be no doubt that the Line of Ten stretches back to the Vedic Age and does rightfully merit the description ‘backbone’ of Vedic civilisation, as I have sustained. This discovery came through a series of gnostic keys which have appeared in a number of my published works from 1974 to date. In addition to the above, in Secrets the meaning of Vishnu’s three strides to ‘measure the universe’ has been finally deciphered, once again based on the same praises from the Rig Veda to this important Godhead. There can no longer be any doubt but that those hymns contain the true meaning of his measuring act in three strides and that they refer unequivocally to the Line of Vishnu’s Ten Avatars. The knowledge is consistent, coherent and connected. The connection or the thread running through the system has finally been revealed. It is not through a repetition of rituals, as inspiring as they may be, or by the chanting of mantras that the connection with the Veda is maintained; rather, only the thread of Knowledge can be the direct link between India today and of the Vedic Age, precisely as the word implies – veda, knowledge. That this potent word lies at the root of the civilisation surely indicates a unique destiny. One important aspect of the Knowledge has resulted from this exercise: it is the need to return to the Vedic system of computation for the calendar of temple observances and horoscopy. This is the first step along the way to re-forging a dynamic link with the Vedic Age. Presently, because of this deviation there is only an imaginary connection. It is neither factual nor applicable today. While emphasis was entirely on the Veda over the past several years, it is now time to carry out the same exercise regarding the Puranas – more specifically Puranic Cosmology. In this context, the situation in India and in the world prompts me to discuss ORDER – a new Order. From time immemorial civilisation on the subcontinent evolved on the backdrop of a unique pattern which made sense of many aspects of collective and individual life in India. In fact, it was unthinkable that a society could successfully evolve without such a pattern. And indeed it still exists. Its persistence lies at the heart of what is known as the Sanatana Dharma – the eternal Way, the eternal Truth. At the outset we must be clear about a fundamental aspect of the Dharma. It is not a religion; very far from it. Rather, it can best be described as the cosmic foundation of a way of life, a culture. The fact that this Order has served as the backdrop for everything that is true and real in India is what disqualifies the civilisation from being categorised as religious according to contemporary interpretations. Something very different lies at the root of the civilisational underpinnings I propose to discuss in this series; and herein lies India’s blessing – and her bane: contemporary Indian society has carried that Order, that Sanatan Dharma into the present. But the world today is a very different place than what it was in the millennia when that superior Order had evolved and guided the people of the subcontinent. Contemporary society is largely governed by values that came through exclusivist religions. Consequently, India finds herself obliged to accommodate these factors into the ancient Order, or to find a way to carry the Dharma forward into a new phase of expression without succumbing to the limitations that affect the world today and which, in the main, are incompatible with India of the Vedic Age. Therefore a method must be found to re-establish the Order in the present conditions of our global society in spite of this incompatibility. A method has indeed been found which will be the subject of this discussion. In the course of this series I will highlight several factors. One is precisely the question of universalism which perforce must be the underlying breath running through the new Order – indeed, the very element that distinguishes it from the old way and which gives it its vibrating, pulsating life. Next is the need to illustrate just how the pattern, ancient and new, escapes the constraints religion imposes. And then there is the structure or pattern itself which we will dissect. In so doing it will be appreciated that the new order is simply an UPDATING of the old. The latter is not discarded but simply brought forward almost intact. Herein lies the extraordinary quality of the ancient way: it can be proven that the Order I am discussing bore an inherent mechanism of renewal, exactly what is lacking in religions and contemporary ideologies. Because of that mechanism it is known as sanatana, eternal; and because of this special and unique quality it can be demonstrated that what we know today as Puranic Cosmogony is actually prophetic in that the new cosmology is seen to build on that structure by virtue of the fact that the very same laws and methodology which we find in the Puranic cosmology forms the warp and woof of the new. That is the issue: What is the core embedded in the system which is indestructible and is carried over across the aeons? When this is known the eternal essence is revealed on which basis the new evolves. To put it succinctly, there is a stable constant as upholder of both the old and the new. In the human being we know that constant as the Soul. The same must be said of cosmology of this special type. That unchanging quotient is the eternal support of the system, on which basis a civilisation can enjoy a blissful state of eternal Being within the Becoming. The evolutionary process provides the becoming of the being which is the stable support of the system everlastingly. But without the harmonised expression of the two there is neither sanatana nor dharma. There is just growth and decay, life followed by death. The only civilisation this Earth has produced to escape from a morbid fossilisation of this nature is the Vedic. But we cannot expect to carry the old Puranic order into our times just as it was known millennia ago. If this were allowed we would be denying legitimacy to half the equation – the Becoming. And it is precisely the evolutionary process that eliminates the disease of fossilisation. Armed with the Core as our stable constant, we embark in this study on the discovery of exactly what must be carried over from the ancient way – but updated, failing which the civilisation that was based on the old cosmology must surely perish.
‘The vehemence of the Amnesty report at this time is what made all this come into greater focus. Secularism…The point is, secularism might indeed intend to give equal rights to all religions, and all the other slogans that go with it. But this is precisely the point: the real battle, the real element being worked out for the Earth is just that: Is it to be the religious consciousness, or the spiritual. This is what ‘Hindu Dharma’ is all about. The Eternal Dharma, that ‘core’ means a SPIRITUAL foundation rather than religious. The West upholds the religious, because that is all it knows, that is as far as it has gone. India alone in the world upholds the Spiritual and not at all the religious. For the past 2000 years, and particularly the past 200, and particularly the past 20, this struggle has been the real motivator of all our problems. ‘Let me put it more clearly. The only way to a world of unity and harmony—in other words, exactly the opposite of what we have—is when the basis of the Order is the Spiritual. Unity can only be achieved if that consciousness is the determining force. On the other hand, the religious consciousness is the force of division and disunity. If we want to perpetuate that old world, then we must cling to the religious consciousness, we must ‘protect’ all religions, we must ensure that our nation is founded on that ‘right’, because then we will ensure that it is the religious consciousness which governs India and therefore the world.’ (PNB, extract from a letter to Girilal Jain, 11.5.1991) Once again hostilities have erupted on the border between India and Pakistan. There is no need to discuss the causes of the recent turmoil; periodically, for one reason or another, this does come to pass. And if we scrutinize these happenings in the light of the new Indo-centric cosmology, it will be clear that such periodic upheavals will continue. The issue is therefore to examine the causes of Partition – the root of it all – in a manner unknown to our contemporary disciplines. The tools I use are cosmological, just as India has done since this civilisation began a slow and steady evolution across the astrological ages. It is as if a building plan had been drawn up using these tools to help the civilisation transition into the time-edifice of our current 9th Manifestation, a period during which India is to become established as the accepted centre of the Earth – that is, the planet’s soul-centre. A Centre defined: superpower irrelevancy It is appropriate at this point to define centreship, if it may be so called. It is not to be confused with the term superpower. Though this may cause disbelief in many on the subcontinent, it needs to be stated that the destiny of India has nothing to do with being recognised as a superpower. On the contrary. Even to apply the word today to the United States of America is inadequate because the presence or even the necessity of a superpower implies a global society poised binarily – the unavoidable end-product of what I call the Binary Creation. This condition – or affliction, if you will – collapsed in the 1980s when the Wall came down and the Soviet Union, one of the extremities of the binary superpower polarity, fell apart. We refer to what happened then as a ‘velvet revolution’ because there does not seem to be any clear root-cause for such a colossal and relatively peaceful remaking of the world order. But the truth is the dismantling was the first visible effect of what I call the Aquarian Wave which came about due to a set of conspiring circumstances with that singular objective. Everything and everyone then converged to further the operation, to bring an end to a world poised on a binary pole of tension. However the truth be told, it was the Time-Spirit in control of the play of circumstance and who brought the Wall down and did away with the binary condition that had produced two superpowers wedded to interminable hostility. Or rather, that decade marked the beginning of a process of transition to a true new world order based on unity and a perceived oneness governing our societal exchanges. Therefore I stated that the issue of superpower does not exist in the new order that is already evolving in our midst. It was the correct nomenclature for the Binary Creation – i.e., the linear structure based on a fragmentary, divisive outlook ruled by Mind as the highest principle influencing the evolving species. If we wish to understand the limitations of a species under the aegis of Mind we need only observe the world the human being has created. Our societies across the globe have clearly reached a point of near collapse, the finality of just such an incomplete condition. In order to rectify the situation adjustments are brought about. To this end there is a yogic process behind any given break-through, particularly when a monumental transition to a new spherical order of unity is the objective. Indeed the current passage was preceded by just such a breakthrough. It occurred in the first half of that singularly-important ennead of the last century, 1980-89. What occurred in 1983, to be precise, was a process of centering and consequent re-alignment, the outcome of bringing into being, through yogic processes, the Centre that fills the Void. It is to be noted that the breakthrough, though yogic and unknown to the layperson, had a cosmological foundation. It was the first step on the road to establishing a new world order with its accompanying revolutionising paradigm, a product of a faculty higher than Mind. The binary see-saw What relation does this have to the current disturbances on the border? The question is pertinent because the issue underlying the trials and tribulations of the past 100 years on the subcontinent is society’s determined refusal to eschew the now-surpassed paradigms of the 8th Manifestation and to give way to the new unitary order. The goal of the process is for India to take possession of the world’s cosmological centre; that is, the geo-cosmological Centre as presented in The Partition of India (2009). That document describes the cosmic properties of centrality upon which the new world order is based – but it is more than that. This new Indo-centric cosmology finally and conclusively inserts our very planet into the cosmic harmony in her rightful place; thereafter she can contribute legitimately to the overall Harmony on her own terms. This issue demands an in-depth analysis because the hostilities on the subcontinent will not come to an end unless India updates the vision of herself and cosmos that she carries over from the now-concluded (1926) Age of Pisces. We note that it was precisely around the end of Pisces and the beginning of the Age of Aquarius that a definitive consolidation of the Hindu/Muslim divide became established. This was made possible because India had lost her cosmic moorings. By the end of the Age of Pisces she roamed anchorless in the cosmic sea and could therefore be held captive in the binary epistemology of the former Age. To do that Hinduism had to allow itself to be treated as a religion, a categorisation Bharat’s ancient roots could never allow. In the Vedic Age and even in the pre-Christian Old World, exclusivist religions did not exist. They are products of the so-called Kaliyuga which is purported to have begun at Krishnavatar’s demise. And I have pointed out in earlier publications (The Gnostic Circle, 1975, Aeon Books) that the famous kali darkness lasts only until the new light of a principle higher than Mind can effectively take over and begin to re-mould the species in preparation for the new times ahead. Those times are upon us. First of all we need to dismantle the binary polarity of Hindu/Muslim because it is illusory. Hinduism cannot be accommodated within a linearity of this nature, something entirely foreign to its essence. But the next question to ask is how did it factually happen that the ancient pre-religion civilisation of Vedic origin became trapped on this see-saw finally resulting in Partition? The answer lies precisely in the fact that India lost the anchor she had securely maintained in the cosmic surround. Despite protests to the contrary, her renowned ‘cosmic connection’ became disrupted during the Age of Pisces when the rise of Religions took centre-stage and moulded the world we know today. The multi-faceted constellation of beliefs enjoyed in the pagan world – that is, the situation prevailing in every society and culture across the globe – could not be accommodated during the Age of Pisces, an astrological period known for its self-undoing propensities. The limitation of Exclusivism was the required instrument of the time. In the extract of the 1991 letter quoted at the beginning of this message, the issue was religious or spiritual. This conforms to the terminology the world was familiar with at the time; if we were to use different terms to express the newness that was taking shape, hardly any would be able to follow. I have included the extract precisely for this reason: to reveal the limitations that closet India in a pattern inherited from the former Dark Age. In clinging to the old formulas India is found to be as rigid as other conservative and even fundamentalist societies, though Hindus believe the contrary. Fundamentalism has many guises; precisely for this reason it is so hard to eradicate. Much yoga has passed under the bridge of time since 1991. The breakthrough of the 1980s discussed earlier set on its way the first concrete attempts at a very different understanding of the matter. The unitary consciousness being established since then could not occur on the basis of spirituality as its supporting pillar. In fact, the dichotomy Religion or Spirituality, as it has reached us in the Age of Aquarius, was the result of passage through an age of darkness. This binary terminology did not exist in the Vedic period. Then it was Dharma and a society faithful to its dictates that was the sustaining pillar of the civilisation. Contemporary thinkers have translated the word as religion because when this came about we were in the thick of the Binary Creation, moving toward a definitive collapse that would begin with the onset of the new age in 1926. To rid the world of the Binary, a faculty considerably higher than Mind had to be introduced in the evolutionary matrix through yogic means, precisely because Mind, dualistic as it is, was the begetter of the religious consciousness. We can go further to state that the spirituality inherited from the former Age bears all the limitations of a mental constriction. Finally, it has become the staunchest propagator of the strategy of escape and therefore the primary cause of the Earth’s woes. This statement will be found disturbing, but if one has the courage to probe the matter deeply, there can be no other conclusion. When the motor of evolution reached the point when it was ready to carry the species up the ladder to a higher level, the mental constriction breathed its last, but not before energetically leaving its stamp on the species in the form of a distortion of the very element that would be its sustenance in the new order of unity. Therefore, through yogic methods the 9th Avatar (not to be confused with Gautam the Buddha) did succeed in imprinting the principle that would displace Mind and cause the earlier dichotomy to be superseded – that is, the truth-conscious Supermind. The decades following 1926 consolidated this imprinting, and gradually with Mind superseded the higher principle has been able to create the conditions for its complete emergence. Consequently, at this point we can no longer revert to the old nomenclature in the effort to convey the contours of the new world order. Sphericality defined While the political/diplomatic binary world of superpowers has collapsed, the linear hold of religions is merely at the initial stage of responding to the Time-Spirit’s pressure for change. An unmistakable indication is the intransigence observed in a rising fundamentalism across the globe. No society is free from this type of reaction to the Aquarian Wave whose intent is to do away with the Binary Creation under whatever guise it presents itself. The goal, I repeat, is a Unitary Creation, spherically poised around a centre, no longer linear. This will be completely set in place when India agrees to accept her centre-ship, when, in a reversal of the poet’s words, the Centre WILL hold. She will then abandon the mesmerising aspiration to become a superpower, for that simply indicates a clinging to the old binary formulation with its now outdated nomenclature that does not express the true reality of the new world order she is destined to facilitate. It indicates her reticence to move ahead on the crest of the Aquarian Wave and to be the channel for the ‘waters’ the Water Carrier dispenses upon Earth from his cosmic kumbha or jug. Millions of Hindus celebrate this astrological event at Allahabad precisely during the month of the Aquarian Kumbha. But the point is missed when the oneness is overlooked between the ‘water’ he carries in his kumbha and those the heavenly Ganga releases periodically upon Earth – provided the correct anchoring is done in calendrical/zodiacal time to permit reception of the River-Goddess’ boundless grace, just as the myth describes. The ‘jug’ is filled with her beneficent, re-vitalising energies; therefore her sign, Capricorn, precedes Aquarius in the wheel and the celebration should rightfully begin in her period – more specifically, when her sacred Source is reached in our annual zodiacal time-journey. This is January 3rd in calendar time each year, or when the Sun is seen to occupy the 12th degree of the sign. As centre, India can bridge the heavens to engage in this replenishing directly from the Source. (The New Way, Vol.2, Chapter 9, Aeon Books, 1981) Pervasive senselessness: a civilisation without ‘purpose’ We have discarded the true Harmony. We have pulled up the Anchor from the ecliptic wherein we and all the planets orbit the Sun, the Anchor which should serve to steady us in the cosmic surround. For instance, we have allowed the split between astrology and astronomy to rule our lives and to limit this ancient civilisation to a binary shadow of its former unitary poise. What we fail to realise is that the split between the acknowledged mother-of-all-sciences and the contemporary discipline we call scientific cosmology, which is based on an astronomy devoid of sense and purpose, is the root-cause of much of the pain the Earth suffers. Indeed, astrology’s primary aim is precisely to offer sense and purpose to life on this planet. In this view evolution is part and parcel of the cosmic harmony which, through the zodiac or the Vedic journey along the 12-stage ecliptic plane, that sense could be known and consciously lived in a progressive evolution to ever higher plateaus of consciousness-being. It is this divine Purpose the enriching waters of Ganga nourish. The ancients did not revel in the observation of phenomena as an end in itself. Their goal was simply to preserve the Anchor intact and to assure that the individual and society would never lose the cosmic connection by an incorrect positioning in the ecliptic plane in orbit of the grand luminary, a misplacement the currently-used Nirayana system of astrology and ritual timings promotes. A ‘dark age’ or a Kaliyuga is defined by that loss: the light of the Sun is eclipsed and an all-pervading darkness chills the mind and spirit of humanity, allowing for all sorts of distortions which blot out the soul’s luminosity. But exposure to the light by yogic processes is the key, failing which the Harmony continues but the perceiver can no longer find his place therein. The vision of Oneness is lost and the result is pure and simple chaos. That is the definition of our present collapsing world. It is being carried away by the Aquarian Wave as by a veritable tornado, but no one really knows why and when the disaster began or what its finality will be. The Anchor is pulled out of the cosmic sea and like a rudderless ship civilisation meanders aimlessly toward a sombre unknown. This is the inevitable end to a world where sense and purpose have been lost, to a world beholden to the rule of Mind. Is a total devastation to be permitted? One thing above all else is certain: the emergence of this new creation is under the complete control of the Time-Spirit, more apparent now, on the basis of the new paradigm, than ever before. But it operates with an impeccable control when order prevails; chaos is its enemy and therefore the task we are set upon is to re-establish that Order, but now in the new mould provided by the truth-conscious Supermind. Therefore, to know the goal of the Zeitgeist’s pre-planned new Order we must turn to the cosmic harmony itself to discover the nature of the anchoring that can create order out of chaos. We must have the courage to discard the cosmic formulas of the Dark Age and, above all, to realise that India cannot pretend to re-shape herself and re-fashion her destiny in any manner other than what the Indo-centric cosmology establishes. She must do away with those time-bound formulas that are carrying this civilisation farther and farther away from consciously occupying the geo-cosmological Centre that is her dharmic right. Centreship as ‘cosmological constant’ It needs to be emphasised that the role of a planetary geo-cosmological Centre is to serve as the bridge to ‘the other side’ for the entire planet, as defined in the new paradigm beyond science and spirituality. (See: Beyond Contemporary Scientific Paradigms – an essay on ‘End Time’) That is, the Centre provides a direct connection to the source of those ‘heavenly waters’ of the sacred Ganga that the Water Carrier dispenses upon Earth in this Aquarian Age. For this reason her astrological ruler is Capricorn/Makar, the zodiacal sign that opens before us with the December Solstice each year when the Light begins to increase and when, in a direct connection, the Earth and the heavens can be bridged to receive the grace India deserves when she consciously embraces her role as cosmological constant for the world. India as geo-cosmological Centre is to the Earth what the soul is to individual incarnation. The soul contains the individual’s private portal to the Source. Similarly, India, as the planet’s own soul, is the link or the portal to an ever-replenishing, eternal fount of light and power and bliss. Unique among cultures she is the cosmological constant that connects the comity of nations to ‘the other side’ where the source of Light and Power is found.In the effort to encourage a dismantling of the old and the definitive unveiling of the new cosmology that establishes India as centre, I am presenting once again The Partition of India wherein that geo-cosmology is clearly defined – and with it the understanding that the end of all conflicts will come about when the updating is completed and India re-anchors herself in the cosmic harmony she lost touch with centuries ago and which then left her vulnerable and empty. This emptiness permitted the possession and ravaging of the body of Mother India time and time again, leaving her subject to lesser effete formulations, in contrast to the robustness of her Vedic Soul with its anchor in the true Zero of the cosmic surround. In that Zero lies fullness. An exuberance of its multi-faceted Self that does not fear diversity because as Centre of a circumscribing firmament it can accommodate all and everything in the periphery it holds to its bosom in the true expression of oneness and unity that destiny demands of this sacred Bhoomi. That true ayanamsha, or the 0 degree beginning of the zodiacal wheel on the March Equinox and no later, is the means to enjoy stability in the midst of an evolving world. The great secret is stability and change, rest and motion, or 0 and 9, as a simultaneous experience of unity and oneness. This new Order can become a reality on Earth but only by and through India because of her destined ‘centreship’, because of which she can bring Swar to Earth.
This is the final posting on Puranic Cosmology Updated (PCU); it has served its purpose. The time has come to create a new forum, and Aeon Centre of Cosmology is in the process of giving shape to that new voice. This development in itself reveals essential features of the new times that open before us the world over.1Several items have helped me bring PCU to a close today, as is befitting of a platform that has served to convey the message of integrality. They may seem wildly disconnected – and yet they form a closely knitted web at the centre of which stands the New Way. These are 1) the Australian Open currently in progress, 2) President Obama’s State of the Union address this morning (21.1.2015), and 3) Kiran Bedi’s appointment as candidate for Chief Minister of Delhi; and, above all, her call for ‘a new politics’. Embracing all this has been The Future Realisation breakthroughs, ACC’s presentation in New Delhi from January 1 through 15, 2015, where on display were salient elements of the new cosmology, the overall, comprehensive embrace whereby all things are ‘made new’ when each thing is ‘put in its rightful place’. And, of course, the key that allowed the new cosmology to reach a wider public through TFR is the Mother’s vision and plan of a chamber, the new garbha griha for the new age.In the Mother’s vision and plan we find a clear indication of how that new order is to come about. In January 1970, exactly 45 years ago from TFR/Delhi, she described the core of her vision as the symbol of the future realisation. On other occasions she spoke of a shadowless consciousness – that is, the aspirant so poised (in time and space, i.e. the measures of our world) directly beneath the rays of a midday Sun that therefore no shadows are cast. But there was far more packed into the vision and description, for indeed the image points to a number of correlated items of the New Way. In that regard we come to the perennial question: chicken or egg? Did the vision compel events to give shape to the New Way, or did the New Way shape the vision in the consciousness of the Seer? Put another way, did Being gives rise to Becoming, or does Becoming create Being, on the order of I think therefore I am?Most would opt for the eternity of Being out of which Becoming issues, that it precedes the latter. Be that as it may, with the incorporation of Supermind the two are experienced simultaneously: they are simultaneous, not just ‘thought’ to be. Yet our senses and the structure of our physical universe strongly support the perception that only what is real exists, or only what stands on this side of the event horizon (borderline is perhaps a more appropriate label). Supermind bridges this side and that.Eternal Being ‘exists’ on the other side but does not cease to exist (or function as support and upholder) when the border is crossed; similarly silence does not cease to exist when sound arises – it too is ‘carried over’, a message elegantly conveyed in Indian classical music by the drone/shruti that never ceases to uphold the raga. This fact is what allows for the experience of simultaneity. Certainly one of the foremost indications of the presence of the supramental Truth-Consciousness is the ability not only to perceive the simultaneity of Being and Becoming, but to live in that consciousness with its revolutionising impact on how we conduct ourselves on this side – where that simultaneity of experience is denied. From his transcendent poise Sri Aurobindo has amply elaborated the subject, thereby assisting us in reaching the accuracy that is possible at this stage of the experience. Also here to assist us is the new cosmology.The All-Inclusive FoundationUntil now we have known only contemporary scientific cosmology. It is the fountainhead of all science today, no matter what discipline. This brand of cosmology deals only with events on this side of the border; hence it is thoroughly engaged in dissecting the structure of our world in its act of Becoming, of evolving, of expanding, while ignoring Being. And it is this discipline that pretends to be the way of salvation from ignorance, backwardness, bigotry and superstition. Consequently, the religious, political, and economic polarisation we find in societies can be attributed to this dispute: science on one side and matters of the spirit, in whatever guise, on the other. This polarisation is tearing societies across the globe to pieces. At the same time, its benefit is to make the insufficiencies inherent in both positions obvious even to the most obdurate champions of either side. And this exposure to help humanity see is likely to increase.However, this perception is helpful only if we have a foundation that serves as a canvas/backdrop onto which things can be put in their right place, on the basis of which the lens of perception can become focussed. That canvas is what allows us to view the several items mentioned above not only within a fabric of oneness, but also to indicate where we stand in knitting together the whole world.In this exercise Number comes to our aid. It must be stated that the canvas is required in order to allow Number to speak to us in a new language, itself the outcome of the New Way. Without this formulation there would be little hope of reaching the goal of a new world order. That canvas is the Gnostic Circle, one of the key features of the new cosmology. With its aid let us take the items mentioned to illustrate the process.
How would President Obama’s speech have anything to do with tennis? On the surface nothing at all. But through the Gnostic Circle we see that both resonate to the same number 3, an angle of the central triangle (orange colour). And Kiran Bedi’s new politics in the mix? She is the latest addition to Indian politics, whose main platform as she enters the electoral fray is a workable new politics, not confrontational but collaborative. We can easily find a correlation between Bedi and Obama as he presented his agenda this morning, seeking a consensus across party lines. Will either succeed in introducing this novelty into what has always been a platform of confrontation, except in times of war? The tools of the new cosmology help us realise that the time has come for the new order to take over from the old. India and America share a common destiny, an axial binding. The number power joining the two is 3 – the Daughter Principle in metaphysics, as well as the number-umbrella of the present stage of the descending Solar Line of 9, 6, 3, a number sequence that I call the axis of the new India (see The New Way, Volume 1, Aeon Books, 1981). Thus, various elements have joined in our very times to play out what Being holds in ‘seed-form’ on the other side of the Border.As explained in the course of the numerous postings on PCU over the years, particularly the descriptions of the new scientific paradigm, Being contains triadic quanta in a descending compression of the formula 9/6/3/0, each triad of which encompasses a particular aspect of the Absolute that contributes to the constitution of our world in evolution on this side of the border. In that dimension (for want of a better word) there is no relativism. We are there faced with Absolute Truth, whole tones as it were, unknown to our 21st century civilisation; not only unknown but fiercely combated. Absolutism, as far as science of the relative is concerned, belongs to the domain of religion – i.e., superstition: it cannot be ‘proven’ therefore it does not exist. The avenues for that proof are the disciplines of the science we know today, entirely limited to the cage it has constructed for itself over the past millennium. Its ability to measure and thereby to prove or disprove a theory is entirely dependent on the relative mathematics and physics of contemporary society. But reality is much larger, all-embracing. The new cosmology provides the tools whereby we can measure both sides of the border; above all, whereby we can understand the simultaneity of both – the true description of Reality.The triadic quanta 9, 6, 3, are measured on this side of the border by our measures of time and space which are the Absolute’s eternity and infinity transposed into our physical universe: the Absolute’s eternity is our time; its infinity is our space, by densification we could say. Further, each triad is measured in the universal calendar via the Mathematics of Unity, known in India as reduction to seed digits. This methodology allows us to link Number on both sides of the horizon. By the intensity of its completeness, the last triadic compaction compels the birth of the One from the 0-Womb; and thus is our physical world of space born. Thereafter Time propels the contents of the Zero-Womb-Seed to the extension of Itself in our material dimension – with no separation between the two; that is, never leaving a void but bearing the seamless continuity of an upholding plenum. The new India has provided the world with the precise display of just how this play-out is arranged, and on the basis of the metaphysical principles each quantum embraces, we can gauge how far evolution has carried us forward in this extension process; and we are able to fill in the details that provide the answers we need for the formation of the new world order that is emerging. Most importantly, we learn of the indispensable addition of diversity (expressed in the sequential series of numbers on this side of the Border) for the full reality and experience of diversity in unity; certainly not only the motto of India but the very nature of the entire world and the evolutionary process. The Binding Power of NumberRecently I wrote a piece for PCU entitled The Embrace at Last. It dealt with what were by then (10.2.2014) the clear signs of a long-sought rapprochement between the United States of America and India. Written in 1974, I quoted from The Gnostic Circle of this necessity in order for the reign of Truth to begin. It was also explained how the USA and India resonate to the 3 number-power. These details need not detain us here; suffice to state that events since then have made it possible to declare that indeed the time has come.In his State of the Union address, President Obama appeared as if he had experienced a new birth as a leader. I recall how badly he was faring in his last term and how certain his defeat in the last electoral contest seemed (2012). But the tide was dramatically turned in his favour in the final days of the campaign by Nature herself in the guise of hurricane Sandy. Clearly Obama had something else to do. Thereafter, Prime Minister Modi came along to draw out the best in him; he seemed to gather as much energy from Modi’s USA tour as the prime minister himself. Critical foreign policy changes followed, long-standing alliances began to totter and a new America has emerged on the world stage. For all practical purposes a close partnership on the axis formed with India, foreseen so many decades ago as being the sign of the foundation of a new world order, has begun to bear fruit. In the present context it necessarily means a re-organisation of nations to allow for a harmonious comity to come forward and lead the way into the new Age of Supermind that calls for a more universal, non-parochial consciousness. In this the United States of America is in advance of India, the latter only having emerged from colonial rule comparatively recently. There is still baggage to be discarded for India to embrace the world.Finally, how can tennis possibly fit into all of this?Across the globe the status of sports invariably indicates the pulse of a nation: this is because the planet said to ‘rule’ sports is Mars. The vital pulse that Mars brings to the planetary family can be gauged in its strength by the status of sports. Mars also rules war, as well as attributes such as passion, intensity, drive, determination and the conquering capacity, the bringer of victory; not only in war but in any enterprise requiring that quality. We see this in the candidate for chief ministership of Delhi in a suggestive manner: In answer to a question she referred to sports activities having led her to enter the police service – both governed by Mars. In tennis she demonstrated the same drive and conquering ability as she displayed later in the police force insofar as she was the first woman to enter the Indian Police Service. Now she can turn that same capacity to politics. In fact, if the transformation of society could be focussed on one single element at this stage of our collective development it would be Mars. There will be a lot more to explain in this regard in the months and years ahead because this is the beginning of a final showdown, shall we say, of the passage to a higher expression of Mars, which until now has been a unifying force mainly in times of war. Violence in all spheres of life may finally be tempered by the higher attributes of Mars. It is not a question of eliminating those aberrations but of transforming them, of channelling the negative to positive expressions of the same component of the human consciousness; no doubt this is what Bedi intends by the ‘new politics’.India’s sports record since independence has been dismal on the whole, given the size of her population and an undeniable proof of latent talents. I have dealt with this topic to some extent in a recent article posted on PCU, Growing Pains.The linking feature in all that tennis embodies involves the 3 number-power once again, the third principle of the essential formula of Reality expressing Transcendent, Universal/Cosmic, and Individual/Soul. Within this structure tennis provides a field to assess individual application with a global flavour; this is because while tennis is certainly an individual sport for the public, at the same time it is international, being perhaps the most appreciated televised sport along with football, the latter corresponding to 6 in the triangle and not 3, being a team and not an individual sport.2The international character of tennis is special as an observational field in a compact display (the tournament) because the character not only of the individual but of that individual within the whole can be easily detected. The player offers an insight into character and strengths or weaknesses of the nation of birth, even though players move about the world for training or competition. They seem always to retain their national identity, not merely restricted to citizenship but to the type of energy and their approach to the game. In a word, tennis as an observational field reflects diversity in unity when studied within the Canvas.More importantly, the Mars factor can be closely observed in players and the role that undermining plays in the ability to fend off suggestions in the midst of the game that deplete the player of the energy required to ‘conquer’, ending in the fact that the player, more often than not, defeats him- or herself. Champions of the game display the capacity to silence those suggestions, so evident in the final moments of a game; one can note this in the player’s body language and a variety of other displays that television allows us to observe close at hand. We observe what the inner fibre of a champion is, especially when we follow the entire tournament. Courage is the outstanding characteristic when Mars is prominent in a natal horoscope. This is displayed in sports and war. Both fields have the capacity to unite the masses.All of this is captured in the 3 angle, within the context of all the components of the Gnostic Circle; above all we learn that the individual is an essential item in the expression of harmony, perhaps the most outstanding aspect of evolution on Earth. Harmony is the Earth’s very own contribution to the Sun’s planetary family, requiring as it does a convergence of matured elements for the purpose.In this way following a tournament can be a rewarding experience, as it has been today accompanied by Obama’s speech and Bedi’s exhortation for a ‘new politics’. When the first grand slam of the season began down under, I saw more clearly than ever how truly ‘the symbol of the future realisation’ shows us the way to reach that supreme goal: the solar ray casts no shadows. In other words, there is no tilt left or right of the axial ray. The poise required is upright beneath the Ray, perfectly poised in time and space without any need to deny their role in the manifestation of Truth, as all spiritual paths have done. Rather, the Mother reveals in this new symbology that it is precisely via these Earth measures that the realisation comes into being. The symbol’s display of shadowlessness makes it evident that the deviousness of corruption and self-interests that have plagued politics and almost every field of human endeavour find no place in the new dispensation. That condition applies to all levels of society and all of its expressions, even those we believe to be beyond these recognisably base instincts such as philanthropies, charities, human rights campaigns, etc. To be shadowless even in pursuit of the good is one of the most difficult and highest achievements possible.
The Master KeyAs a further example of the synthesising capacity of the new cosmology, India’s ruler is Capricorn/Makar, the Cardinal Pole known in astrology as Cosmic Midday – precisely when no shadows are cast. Her physical body (space measure) describes the ancient Capricorn hieroglyph . This correspondence cannot be dismissed as mere coincidence, the way science is wont to do more often than not when faced with the inexplicable. I bring this up for two reasons. One is the error Prime Minister Modi made in addressing the international business community in Mumbai on 16 January last. In an otherwise fine speech the point I made earlier in a letter to him was ignored, it seems, concerning Ganga’s plight (June of 2013) and the message the sacred river was conveying. I have been trying for the past twenty years to drive the point home. He stated in English, italics mine: ‘Friends, Makar Sankranti was celebrated on 14 January. It is an important festival. It is the beginning of Uttarayan, which is considered to be a punya kaal (auspicious time). The Lohri festival also coincides with it. On this day the sun begins its journey north. This marks the transition from winter to spring…’. The Prime Minister and the whole of the Hindu Samaj would find no error in the above statement, though surely the astronomical flaw should be evident. But it is not, and therein lies the problem, especially since the sign’s hieroglyph describes the actual physical body of the undivided nation, making accuracy especially important in all matters involving this ‘auspicious time’. Capricorn of the tropical zodiac cannot be separated from the shortest day of the year, the December Solstice which is the legitimate uttarayana, the north Cardinal Pole. This is sacrosanct in all higher studies of cosmic harmonies throughout the world; but only in India, with Capricorn as her astrological ruler, have the two been separated, therefore making the aberration especially damaging.The prime minister fell in with the Nirayana astrologers and the fundamentalists of science that have succeeded in convincing even upholders of the cosmic harmony that the two must be separated. He has followed suit, though still clinging to what makes the true Makar Solstice (22 December) auspicious and sacred among all the months of the year: the moment of increasing light, or, as the prime minister put it, when the transition from winter to spring occurs, with the Sun’s light beginning to increase. But how do we experience this increase on Earth? It is by the days becoming longer from uttarayana onward – or, specifically, the winter Solstice in the northern hemisphere.Scientists claim that astronomical calculations prove Capricorn/Makar is ‘no longer there’ (i.e. coinciding with the Solstice); or as Al Biruni wrote centuries ago in India, his book of travels, ‘it [the zodiac] has moved on’. According to him and a number of post-Vedic astrologers and astronomers, the zodiacal sign has shifted and moved away from the Solstice, ‘The solstice (December) has kept its place but the constellations have migrated, just the very opposite of what Viraha had fancied,’ India, II. Over the centuries Al Biruni’s influence has finally borne fruit when the entire nation now believes, and science steps in to ‘prove’, that Makar is no longer connected to the Solstice, the shortest day of the year and the only time we can scientifically claim that the light begins to return. Thus is superstition born. No one questions this contention. No one dares to question what has now become the ‘authoritative’ word even in matters sacred where science can never be the final authority. Science has declared that Capricorn is ‘no longer there’. And lamentably the vested interests of pundits have reaped the benefits in the many available panchangas by proffering, each one, a different calculation (called ‘correction’) as to when that elusive and shifting dial reaches Capricorn, somewhere out there in the constellations, beyond the solar system and for all practical purposes irrelevant to our experiences on Earth. Since each one comes up with different calculations, because there can be no accuracy in the way science is approaching the matter, this ‘uniqueness’ assures sales.3No one ponders over the fact that the only measure that never shifts and that therefore can be truly scientific, requiring no correction, is the Earth’s own and unique contribution to the System, her balancing Cardinal Poles marking off, with easily calculable accuracy, the Equinoxes and Solstices. These do not exist in the constellational sphere astronomers have imposed on Nirayana post-Vedic Pundits, though any deep study reveals that the Cardinal Poles are fundamental for an accurate cosmic connection, so central to the Dharma. Every Hindu temple supports me in this statement. The cage of physicality disconnected from ‘the other side’Let us penetrate more deeply into this vexatious issue and discover why this so? Why do astronomers prefer the constellations rather than the time-tested fourfold Equinoxes and Solstices, markers of our seasons? If we wish to be charitable, the simple reason could be that the constellations consist of stars which can be seen with the naked eye for the most part; they satisfy far more the demand for tangibility than the tropical zodiac with its ‘arbitrary’ division of the ecliptic plane into 12 parts – hardly arbitrary when we consider that the 12 are Aditi’s sons, but this ‘seeing’ requires an opening to the soul’s light rather than just the physical. After all, scientists would argue, ‘there is nothing there’, a plane yes, but empty and unable to justify the ancient call for the ecliptic plane to be divided into 12 ‘steady and unshifting’ parts. Contemporary science, so tightly closeted in the cage of physicality, has disregarded perhaps the single-most distinguishing feature of life on Earth – nights and days of equal and unequal measure – and opted for projecting the measuring Eye out to the distant stars where there are no such balancing pillars, with no other argument to support this uniquely Indian aberration than its monopoly over Measure. They brush over the fact that the pictographs of the zodiac which they project onto the clusters of stars do not provide a neat 30 degrees for the benefit of calculating the months they cover connected to the months of the universal calendar; their respective degrees vary wildly. The constellations are larger and smaller and therefore the connection cannot be done satisfactorily, without fudging as it were. And this provides another insight into the sacred arts: it is measure that matters and the lived experience – that is, the days and nights balanced firmly on the four pillars of the Cardinal Points. This is described accurately in the Rig Veda as the ‘circle that shakes not’. Why have astrologers succumbed to this illogical imposition without even a whimper?4Thus both, astronomers and Nirayana post-Vedic astrologers, perhaps unknowingly, serve vested interests, the signature of the old way, the world that is imploding due to the tilt this side and that (of the midday solar Ray that casts no shadows). That the extreme edge of this tilt has been reached is revealed by the cosmic harmony itself when scrutinised in depth because the shift according to Indian scientists and pundits has carried Makar/Capricorn 23 days away from the December Solstice to the 14-15th of January (the discrepancy between 14 or 15 January is because pundits of the north and south differ in their calculations by sometimes 24 hours and more!). The 23-degree tilt of the Earth’s axis to either side of the Equatorial plane is the farthest degree possible, at which time the Solstices north or south occur. At that precise moment indeed, as the Prime Minister noted, the ‘light’ begins to return – i.e. from shortest day the Earth moves toward the longest at the next Solstice in end June. Before that she reaches the equilibrium of Mahavishuva, the 21st March Equinox, initiating spring in the northern hemisphere. The perception of light beginning to increase and therefore making Capricorn/Makar so special for India was entirely correct; but then the Prime Minister got it wrong when he made the mistake of equating that 23-day late festival with the shortest day of the year or uttarayana, the highest point when the Sun casts no shadows – Cosmic Midday. This is the burden astronomers have saddled the civilisation with, by not respecting the boundary between the sacred and the profane where they belong by virtue of their own self-inflicted limitations.In my reading of the situation, with sufficient corroborating evidence, this fact of a 23-degree/day ‘slippage of time’ imposed by Indian astronomers, coinciding with the 23-degree limit north or south of the Equator that carries the nation 23 days away from the true Makar/Swar gateway, describes the abyss upon which we stand as a civilisation: one ‘step’ more and we ‘plunge’. (See my The Partition of India on PCU where the effects of this mis-measure are explained in detail.) In ‘the symbol of the future realisation’ the tilt is brought into balance directly beneath the ray of the true Makar/Capricorn Midday Sun. To attain that goal science/astronomers would have to admit that they have been misleading the nation by measuring in the wrong circle. What is the likelihood of that coming to pass?Finally, the Capricorn symbol-map is the item of single most importance in the new cosmology that made all the discoveries regarding India possible, including the USA/India axis which can be ‘read’ in the cosmic harmony provided that the Earth’s own measures of time and space are accepted and respected. Then only is the new cosmology made applicable.__________________
1Aeon Forum, Dialogues beyond Science and Spirituality.[This Forum/Website currently under construction.]2 I exclude cricket in this assessment since its appeal is limited to the commonwealth nations and has not managed to step beyond that framework; that it is India’s main sport, never allowing others to come to the fore tells us much about the distance to cover in this especially important field where the Mars energy is such a vital ingredient in the transformative process. 3 See Appendix. 4 See Appendix.
Appendix When the Rig Veda explicitly states ‘the circle is one’, this means that there is indeed only one circle: the ecliptic plane of our solar system that sets the measure throughout, and not the greater sphere of the heavens, simply because that equinoctial plane is as if the dial of a clock. The larger cosmic face (heavenly sphere) in this case becomes the face of the clock divided into 12, just as the face of the ecliptic – where the planets travel including the Earth – is also divided into 12, as well as our clocks on Earth. All-important is the dial in movement over these faces – the one face/circle; and that dial is propelled by the Time-Spirit, poised squarely on Earth at the centre of it all, working through the instrumentation of the Vishnu Line of Ten – his very own Emanations, to provide the required accuracy in Time and Space. I present here a diagram that will help understand the differences and the confusion that presently exist.
In this composite design the innermost circle (Tropical) is divided into four – the Cardinal Points. Capricorn/Makar is the highest whose 0 degree is indicated by the Cardinal cross, or the beginning of the sign; in time this is 21-22 December each year. The next circle (Sidereal) is the current astronomical/Nirayana astrology calculation as to where that cross would fall if Makar is supposed to BEGIN only on 15th of January – i.e., 23 days/degrees into Capricorn/Makar. This shows the distance away from the actual Solstice. The outermost circle (Constellations) presents the zodiac of astronomers, comprised of the 12 pictographs imaginatively constructed into that sphere – on the order of the child’s game of connecting the dots! And this is accurate science? In current Indian astrology the constellation/sidereal sphere becomes relevant as a backdrop for certain stars (nakshatras), though today the latter is given entirely too much importance in Nirayana post-Vedic astrology. That sphere, disregarding the stars and considering it only as a ‘canvas’ onto which the zodiac is projected, pretends to be the very same 360-degree circle divided by 30 degrees for an equal 12, just as the ecliptic plane is divided. Onto or into that circle the background motion of the ecliptic plane is projected; the movement/dial is called the Precession of the Equinoxes, again highlighting the relevance of the equinoxes and solstices. It needs to be repeated time and again (with the hope that someday the message will get through), there are no equinoxes and solstices in the constellations. The movement that calls forth the passage of the astrological ages (yugas), indicates for Earth inhabitants where the societies and civilisations we create stand in the vaster movement of the Ages. Given the aberration and consequent mis-measure, India has no means of accurately locating her civilisation’s position within the larger cosmic cycles. The result is necessarily only chaos in an area where accuracy is paramount and clarity comes only with the true Vedic Divine Measure provided by the Line of Ten. Finally, projection onto the extended sphere by the dial/plane is only pertinent to the movement of the astrological ages and cannot be used to construct the horoscope of the individual, or even of rituals on Earth. For the latter the tropical zodiac is the means to deal with individual incarnations properly. Unfortunately, mis-measure using the wrong circle, as illustrated, has created confusion where none need exist, and has been the result of astrology being considered a pseudo-science. There can be no claim to science with the current practices; at the same time, scientific methodology as we understand it today cannot be applied to this most sacred of the 64 Arts, mother of all the rest and the one responsible for connecting what transpires on Earth to the cosmic surround in an applicable manner, as demonstrated in the cosmology of the New Way. The Gita makes the role of the Vishnu dasavataras abundantly clear when Lord Krishna states, I come yuge-yuge. This ascertainment of his role in the quest for accuracy is more than clear: it is his primary task, for reasons described throughout the postings of Puranic Cosmology Updated. This is how we redeem the Earth (in mythology it would be described as a battle between good and evil, the latter standing at the threshold of taking possession of the planet). Redemption (or the victory of the Gods) is accomplished by the descent of the Emanations of the Time-Spirit honouring her measure, her contribution to the harmony of the Solar System. This redemption is not done by a miraculous appearance interjected from beyond our measures of time and space, or a Second Coming on the order of an appearance in the heavens, descending as a figure of light with flaming sword in hand, as comforting as the image may be. It is the Earth herself that is ‘redeemed’ when she is no longer thought to be a hell to flee from but rather a sublime contributor to the harmony of the cosmos, thereby making the 9th Avatar’s prophecy of a life Divine on Earth that much more realisable. For this reason PCU has been centred largely on clearing the cobwebs away that cover what I have called the backbone of the Sanatana Dharma – i.e. its Axis. Interestingly, and to prove the consistency – that is, why there is confusion in the issue of the Avatar, as well as in making the correct cosmic connection – it is be because the two go hand-in-hand. We can only recognise who the true Emanation might be when we ascertain his ‘cosmic credentials’, and those are discernible only when the correct circle is utilised for the calculations that alone can reveal those credentials. Of most essential importance is the correct location of Makar Sankranti. Vested interests (alias, asuric hostile forces) can, for a time, hide the greatest truth the Earth has ever known – but only for a time.
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