The Sacred Fullness


It is 1985. Patrizia Norelli-Bachelet, cosmologist, author, and teacher, living in the Palani hills of South India, begins a correspondence with a new student residing in New York City.

Some years prior, after 18 years as a Catholic nun, the student left the religious life.

She went on to become a psychotherapist, and explored many of the ‘New Age’ spiritual teachings gaining popularity in the West.

Patrizia asks the student why none of these pursuits has provided the answers she was seeking.    Why has she turned to Patrizia for answers?

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These letters reveal an entirely New Way of approaching the desire for inner peace, the pursuit of Truth, as well as the limits of  ‘personal enlightenment’.

Heeding her teacher’s advice that she make a big leap into the unknown, the new student  begins her studies. She finds that our mental race is ‘in transition’ to a Supramental consciousness now descending to earth: a new species is being born.

Her old spiritual path and psychotherapy cannot ‘fill the void’  because humankind is moving up the evolutionary ladder.  It is Sri Aurobindo’s  yoga that offers a way to  transform human nature; Patrizia’s contribution to his new vision is The Gnostic Circle.

This diagram displaces the old astrology by offering  a cosmology to help the student get the correct balance. No longer will her individual development be the central focus, Patrizia informs (25 August letter); rather all three aspects of the Divine reality become synthesised in the spiritual quest:  God, cosmos and her own soul. ‘Mind you, this has never been done before’, she exclaims, ‘it has always been one or the other.’