A film last night, Dark Matter, caused me to ponder over certain aspects of the new cosmology and its reception – not in the corridors of science of course, but in India and abroad in quarters that should take a keen interest in this new postulation because it is the only Indocentric cosmology since the Vedic/Puranic Age. Further, there is nothing in it that would offend the scientifically-minded because it is based on facts that were not available in the Puranic era – certain truths seen in the innermost consciousness of the Seer many times had to be formulated figuratively, though the Indocentric cosmology of the sages did make perfect sense at the time because of a common ‘language’ understood by all. Fortunately, that sacred language continues to thrive throughout the world, except in India due to a clever strategy that was set in motion in the Dark Ages.
The New Way cosmology, on the other hand, follows similar principles and employs that very same language – the main ingredient being a contemporary version of the Mt Meru concept, the centrepiece of the Puranic vision; this was Bharat, the continental embodiment of the sacred Mountain, and all the other continents fanning out from that central point. However, the enormous leap forward is that now we take the full Earth, exactly as she stands in the planetary harmony, and using longitude and latitude coordinates we proceed to locate that sacred Mt Meru that is Bharat today on the globe, based on a zodiacal ‘ruler’ that provides a knowledge basis to the operation: Mt Meru is indeed the centre, India, via her zodiacal sign Capricorn, determined by the ruler laid horizontally (longitude) and vertically (latitude) across the Earth. Thus her ‘centrality’ is no longer restricted to the visionary plane of the Seer but given a factual basis in both time and space. Mt Meru/Bharat, so measured, is the embodiment of the sign known as India’s astrological ruler from time immemorial: Capricorn, the ‘mountain’ of the zodiac, confirming the earlier Seer’s vision based on an inner knowledge of the subcontinent’s essence properties. This is the knowledge-basis of the sacred mountain Meru, no longer condescendingly labelled a quaint tale or outright superstition.

Capricorn hieroglyph on undivided India
And here is the zodiacal symbol-map that confirms the antiquity of the knowledge, its Capricorn essence extending even to Bharat’s geography.
Indeed, there is not a trace of superstition in this new Indocentric cosmology, an updating from the Puranic Age. However, there are certain demands placed on its appraisers. One must first of all accept that the cosmology carries its own science with its own language; just as we accept that physics uses the language of mathematics, so must we realise that this postulation is also based on its own formulas and formulations which constitute its operational methodology via its own language, resulting ultimately in a new paradigm. And here is where problems arise from quarters none would have expected. But the film Dark Matter that set off these reflections, explains why. It portrays the travails of a brilliant Chinese cosmology student who enrols in an American university for his PhD. Eventually he is driven to a psychological breakdown by his doctoral mentor because the candidate’s thesis disproves certain conclusions in his own String Theory cosmology, on the basis of which the mentor’s scientific career had flourished, bringing him considerable fame. Now he sees it threatened by the candidate’s brilliant discovery regarding dark matter. He was consequently denied a PhD, based on what can only be termed vested interests. Vested interests cover a broad spectrum that can be more clearly defined as ego-interests with their zillion manifestations, proper to the billions of humans who populate this ego-driven world.
The film ends in tragedy and the viewer is left heartbroken at how a brilliant talent was shamelessly snuffed out.
Along with this viewing I happened to be reading an article in a past issue of Atlantis Rising, #107, September/October 2014, treating the very same theme when in the scientific community a new discovery forces the old guard to accept that they are faced with a ‘paradigm shift’ in light of which ‘physics would have to start over’. Moray King, a systems engineer is quoted as saying in an interview in Jeane Manning’s column ‘Tracking the News on the Coming Energy Revolution’. King comments on just how vicious the threatened group can get: ‘Talking about a paradigm violation becomes serious when a claim is declared as fraud’… Further on he lays down some rules for ‘online chat rooms’:
- When you call someone a fraud, name the type of fraud you think they’re perpetrating.
- Understand the paradigm you’re in so when you say ‘disobeyed the laws of physics’ you know which paradigm those laws are in…
Recent exchanges in our own online Forum under the topic ‘Sidereal or Tropical’ caused me to consider writing this article for our readers because of the play of circumstances that forced me to take a serious look at the similar allegations levelled at me personally and the new cosmology I have formulated; I repeat, from quarters that should rejoice in the updating it signifies and the potential for removing the taint of superstition on matters Puranic. I mentioned vested interests at the root of the accusations in the face of new and potentially threatening discoveries in science. On our own Forum we have a clear example of just how that works in the ego-centred human being. I too was recently labelled a fraud – and why? Simply because the basis of the new Indocentric cosmology is the zodiac; more specifically – and here lies the rub – the tropicalzodiac. This is what we find as the foundational language of the Puranas and its mythology and displayed in every temple across India. The sacred mountain is the most prominent and obvious connection. When the devotee passes through and beneath the main gopuram to enter the sacred precinct, it brings to his visit the lived experience of Mt Meru, the sacred Mountain of Capricorn. In the symbolism of sacred architecture the Gopurams are that Mountain.

The main Gopuram of the Srirangam temple
in Tamil Nadu, South India, where the purest tradition is found.
Lamentably, during the Dark Ages a different formulation gradually gained ascendancy and ultimately did away with the former based on the tropical zodiac and its related mythology, as in the cosmology of the New Way. It introduced another ‘zodiac’ based on the imaginative animal figures made up of the fixed stars in the sidereal sphere, called Nakshatras. In the traditional astrology practised outside of India they are known as the Mansions of the Moon and were brought from India by Al Biruni, the Arab scholar-traveller who in the 12thcentury planted the damaging seeds that later flowered into the full-blown Nirayana system of astrological computations and ritual timings in use today.
I have stated many times and I must state again that these misguided reformists, whatever their motivation, are measuring in the wrong circle. At the end of this article I offer readers a graphic image of the problem and a brief explanation with the facts of the case.
Al Biruni’s Mansions of the Moon divides the zodiac circle into 27 parts based on the mean daily motion of the Moon which is 13.20 degrees. Moving through the circle cumulatively, from 0 degree through to the 360th, each point where this measure falls is called a ‘critical degree’. Any competent astrologer knows that when a planet is located on one of those degrees, whatever that planet represents will play a prominent role in the individual’s life.
Unfortunately Nirayanis, who call themselves by the misnomer Vedic Astrologers, carried the matter further – because there is a secret agenda behind this rise of thought in India. Muslim invaders, their own history records, destroyed thousands of temples across the land because of the role temples stepped in to play during the Puranic Age to preserve the Veda. But there was a far more insidious attack in the wings, with the potential of bringing the Sanatana Dharma to an end as it was known in the Vedic Age. The simple yet potent device was 1) to do away with the Veda’s foundational language of the zodiac itself, whether tropical or sidereal, and pari passu 2) to destroy the cosmic connection India had enjoyed from time immemorial (see the Capricorn symbol-map); indeed, to disengage the cosmic wheel from the true Zero Point (ayanamsha), the start of the ‘journey’, as it was called in the Rig Veda, on the Aries equinox of 21 March each year. This was cleverly done by insisting on measuring in the wrong circle, and claiming, as Al Biruni had advocated centuries earlier and the Nirayanis continue to proclaim: Aries has shifted, it has moved on; it is no longer there (at the March equinoctial point). ‘The solstice has kept its place but the constellations have migrated, just the very opposite of what Vahara has fancied,’ he wrote (India, II, p.7). With this Al Biruni plants the undermining seed of a shifting zodiac, erroneously equated with and measured in the sidereal sphere.
There is what is called the Cardinal Cross in the tropical zodiac. It is composed of four signs, Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn. They are the equinoxes and solstices. Therefore an intrinsic part of the constitution of Aries is the thrust of energy as in the gunaic mode of Rajas, or Creation of the fundamental trinity Creation, Preservation, Dissolution. Actually Aries does not ‘exist’ disconnected from the March equinox; similarly with the others on the Rajas/Creation cross. So, to claim, as Al Biruni did, that while the solstice remained in place the constellations (zodiac) have moved away from the zodiacal connection with the Cardinal Cross, reveals a basic ignorance of the cosmic harmony. What is extraordinary is that no pundit, to my knowledge, rose up and refuted his claim. This is the crux of the Nirayana system Hindus follow, this claim that a ‘shift’ has taken place and therefore periodic ‘corrections’ must be made to accommodate it.
According to these Nirayanis, while measuring that purported 0 degree Aries in the wrong circle – the circle of fixed stars where no equinoxes and solstices exist – this 0 point has shifted, therefore a correction is needed to move the start of the circle back by 23 days. Consequently, based on their astronomical wisdom, disconnected from the alleged superstition of astrology which astronomers believe they have improved upon, we must agree to celebrate each new zodiacal year on April 14-15 and not 21 March; or, even worse, the Capricorn entry (Makar in Sanskrit, perhaps the most important festival for the Hindu collectivity) is also shifted by 23 days to 14-15 January, instead of the fourth Cardinal Cross solstice on 21 December each year when Capricorn actually begins for the whole world, not merely for Hindus, with no change – because these unchanging equinoxes and solstices are the temporal and spatial pillars of Hinduism.
In addition, the so-called shift that needs ‘correction’ varies from pundit to pundit because accuracy is impossible to achieve in the circle of fixed stars with relation to Earth, given that they are zillions of kilometres away from our solar system. The result is confusion and chaos; ultimately what should be the single most unifying factor for Hindus, a calendar that unequivocally secures the true cosmic connection, has become a most effective tool for dis-connection and endless dispute.
Today the supporting cosmic pillars of the Dharma have been wiped out of the cultural fabric where they can only be meaningful when the true link to the cosmic harmony exists. It no longer does for all practical purposes today in India, regardless of vociferous claims by the Nirayanis to the contrary. Practically, factually it exists only in the updated Indocentric cosmology of the New Way.
The tactic of undermining was superb indeed because Time itself, with each passing day, undoes the very Dharma it holds in the secret recesses of itself. Time, in the land where Mahakala is known to be above all the Gods, is made to work against itself: instead of a creative power it is one of undoing.
All is not doom and gloom however. The Vishnu Avatar’s mission stands completed. The Solar Line he heads covers all the bases, even this one, perhaps the most significant for Hindus today. The Third in the Line comes with the express mission of dismantling this falsehood and re-establishing the supremacy of Shiva as Mahakala. She takes birth to re-establish the tropical zodiac as the foundational language of the Tradition, for there are no Cardinal Poles – equinoxes and solstices – in the sidereal circle of the fixed stars beyond our solar system. Astronomers require – nay, demand – points of light in the heavens that they can see with their human naked or mechanical eyes; for them the division of the ecliptic into 12 signs (the tropical zodiac) does not exist, or is of no consequence because it is not visible, while the Sage sees the light manifested within as without, he does not need external points of light to measure Truth, for he is the truth-seer. For him there is no difference: truth, the Rishi knows, lies within, uncontaminated by human projections covered over in vested interests the ego feeds on. For the Seer all is One, and on the basis of Oneness the truth of the supramental Gnosis is known. Thus the Third’s mission is completed with the New Way and its updated cosmology. Those who see and wish to follow the Journey of the Rig Veda have this new paradigm at their disposal.
Why are the Nirayanis so incensed? They call the Third a fraud, and in times gone by in the print and electronic media, a charlatan – and even the most incendiary label of all: anti-Hindu. It is always the same group, then and now, the followers and practitioners of the sidereal Nirayana system of astrological computation, those who falsely call themselves Vedic Astrologers. The only truly Vedic astrology/cosmology exists in the New Way today. But their desperation to discredit is understandable from the ego-driven perspective. If the New Way rises, in that very rise their system crumbles into dust of its own and is cast into the cosmic waste bin as another of Time’s useless residues. It is the dross that is eliminated when the pure gold of the supramental Truth-Consciousness is cast into the alchemical cauldron to sort things out. We are in the midst of just such a period of conclusively defining and sorting things out.
After all, what have they to show for themselves? Dozens of ayanamshas, chaos, disunity in the Hindu community on this essential issue, and a total lack of higher knowledge – for the Nakshatras they base their system on do not contain Vedic knowledge. They served a purpose in the Dark Ages of anchoring in Time’s vast vault, but never were they meant to displace the Vedic initiate’s Journey.
Gnosis, now enhanced by the descent of Supermind, is found only in the Vedic Journey as mapped out in the tropical zodiac. And, above all, it is only with the tropical zodiac of the ecliptic plane, balanced on the unchanging equinoxes and solstices that we can read the cosmic credentials of the Vishnu Avatar and his line in this 9th Manifestation. This, beyond any doubt, is the primary goal: to create such confusion in the most important area of the Sanatana Dharma, the cosmic harmony wherein the true Vishnu Avatar is recognised by his cosmic credentials, and the impostors unmasked. The Sanatana Dharma hinges on this recognition of the true emanation of Vishnu because yuge-yuge he comes to re-establish order, first and foremost the cosmic order.The Dasavataras themselves, for the Sanatana Dharma, are like unto the Polar Star of the zodiacal Age in which they appear. We are blessed to be living in this 9th Manifestation, and in the Aquarian Age that ushered in the electronic revolution with the higher octave of its traditional ruling planet Mercury in the mix today – the 7th planet Uranus. The Negators and nay-sayers can also have their day in the Sun by this new-found freedom, but Uranus allows the Internet to give us finally OUR place under the Sun as well, instead of being conveniently marginalised as this New Way has been for so long.***Diagrams for Part One:

Ganga, river of January, measured on
the body of India via the new cosmology’s
zodiacal ruler
Here we have the same constellation and sidereal spheres, but with the Vedic One Circle central, divided into the four Cardinal Points, the all-important equinoxes and solstices, with the 23-day ‘shift’ included to show the actual position of the Hindu calendar.